Kisakye Charles

Kisakye Charles

Child's Number: SH19
Child's Dream Doctor
Gender: Male

Kisakye Charles is a nine year old boy, born on June 3, 2011. He is in Primary 1 (kindergarten level). He lives in Namuganga village with his grandparents; his parents live in a separate village and are not involved in his or his siblings’ lives.
He has four other siblings, and his chores at home are to wash the utensils, fetch water, and sweep the compound.
His favorite game to play is football, and he loves learning mathematics in school. His favorite food is rice, and he wants to become a doctor so he can help others when he grows up.

Sponsorship Details

    $30 per month will sponsor a child at the school and give them 2 nutritious meals per day $50 per month will pay their monthly school tuition in addition to 2 nutritious meals per day $100 per month will pay for one child at the $50 level, plus provide for any emergency medical needs that may arise in the school.