Kembabazi Desire

Kembabazi Desire

Child's Number: SH17
Child's Dream Doctor
Gender: Female

Kembabazi Desire is eight years, born January 2, 2012. She lives with her parents in Namuganga village, where her father is a boda boda driver (motorcycle transportation), and her mother is a peasant farmer (works land for owners who reside in the city).
She has five other siblings: Mirembe Prossy, Kyomuhendo Esther, Ndayambazi Kenneth, Kobusingye Pauline, and Kizimana Alex.
She is in Primary one. Luganda (one of the local languages belonging to the Baganda tribe) is her best subject.
Her main chore at home is to wash dishes, her favorite foods are cassava, matooke, and beans. Her favorite sport is called “Hope scotch”. She wants to become a doctor when she grows up.

Sponsorship Details

    $30 per month will sponsor a child at the school and give them 2 nutritious meals per day $50 per month will pay their monthly school tuition in addition to 2 nutritious meals per day $100 per month will pay for one child at the $50 level, plus provide for any emergency medical needs that may arise in the school.