Kasekende Ezra

Kasekende Ezra

Child's Number: SH12
Child's Dream Doctor
Gender: Male

He is a boy aged 11 , he is in primary four, born 2008-06-06 , he lives with only the mother , she is a single parent , the father is deceased . The mother sells food.
His duties at home are sweeping the house , and compound. He has one sibling.
His best subject is Mathematics and food katogo , hobbies are sports and games football , he was to become a doctor.

Sponsorship Details

    $30 per month will sponsor a child at the school and give them 2 nutritious meals per day $50 per month will pay their monthly school tuition in addition to 2 nutritious meals per day $100 per month will pay for one child at the $50 level, plus provide for any emergency medical needs that may arise in the school.