Apadet Resty

Apadet Resty

Child's Number: SH03
Child's Dream Doctor
Gender: Female

Resty is 15 years, born June 6, 2007, she is in primary seven. She lives with her parents and 8 siblings, she is the 2nd last born. Her duty at home is digging. She enjoys playing dodge ball. Her favorite food is Rice and beef, best subject is mathematics. She wants to become a medical doctor when she grows up.

Sponsorship Details

    $30 per month will sponsor a child at the school and give them 2 nutritious meals per day $50 per month will pay their monthly school tuition in addition to 2 nutritious meals per day $100 per month will pay for one child at the $50 level, plus provide for any emergency medical needs that may arise in the school.