Amutesi Divina
Amutesi Divina
Child's Number:
Child's Dream
Divina is 15 years, she lives in Namuganga village, with her grandparents. Her parents are in moved to Kampala city miles away from the village to look for better paying work. The father (Kizito Edo) is a mechanic and Mother (Nakawesi Juliet)is a house keeper.
Her duties at home are washing dishes, digging, and sweeping the compound. In her free time, she enjoys games such as skipping, dodgeball and netball.
Siblings are: Akisa Gorret, Esanyu Stephen, Akwi Noela, and Asamait Teopista.
Divina is in primary four and her best subject is mathematics taught by Pr. James Akol. Her favorite foods are Matooke and rice. When she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.