Akwi Noelina

Akwi Noelina

Child's Number: SH01
Child's Dream Engineer
Community: Mubende
Gender: Female
Country: Uganda

Noelina is 8 years, she is in Primary two, and lives in Namuganga village with parents who are peasant farmers. Her parents live in Kampala city where the mother is a house keeper and the father is a mechanic. Her chores are washing dishes and digging. Her best food is sweet potatoes.

Sponsorship Details

    $30 per month will sponsor a child at the school and give them 2 nutritious meals per day $50 per month will pay their monthly school tuition in addition to 2 nutritious meals per day $100 per month will pay for one child at the $50 level, plus provide for any emergency medical needs that may arise in the school.